JMA-5312-6BB Black Box Radar system, a model of the JRC JMA-5300MK2 series, with optional NWZ-173DT 19' display and 10kW X-band transceiver, fully complies with SOLAS carriage requirements for vessels under 10.000 GT and fully meets MSC 192(79) radar performance standards effective from 1 July 2008. Fitted with 30-target ATA, optional 100-target ARPA available.
Standard in the box
- Instruction manual 1
- Spare parts 1
- Scanner NKE-2103-6 1
- Keyboard NCE-5171 1
- Processor NDC-1417 1
- Scanner cable (30m) CFQ-6912-30 1
- Display colour raster scan PPI
- Range scale 0.125/0.25/0.5/0.75/1.5/3/6/12/24/48/96 NM
- Antenna length 6ft
- Transmit power 10kW
- Transmit frequency 9410mHz ± 30mHz (X-band)
- Beam width 3db Hor. 1.2°, Ver. 20° Hor. 1.2°, Ver. 20°
- Rotation speed 24rpm
- Operating Temperature -25 to +55C scanner, -15 to +55C display/processor
- Bearing indication north-up / course-up / head-up
- Presentation mode RM display with true trail, RM display with relative trail, TM display
- EBL 2 (EBL1/EBL2) (center/independent) 000.0° - 359.9°, digital display
- VRM 2 (VRM1/VRM2), 0.000 - 100.2nm, digital display
- Trail indication 4 stages: short, middle, long, super long (e.g. short: off /0.25/0.5/1/3/6/10/15-min)
- LCD 1280x1024dot (SXGA)
- Effective diameter ≥ 250mm
- Antenna cable CFQ-6912-30 standard L= 30m (optional up to 65m)
- Power supply (voltage) DC 21.6 - 31.2V
- Power consumption (at max wind load) 620W
Optional items
- NWZ-173DT 19" Color Display
- Gyro interface unit NCT-59A built-in NDC-1417
- ATA unit (30 targets) NCA-877A built-in NDC-1417
- ARPA unit (100 targets) NCA-877WA built-in NDC-1417
- Performance monitor NJU-85
- Interswitch box NQE-3141-4A (up to 4 radars), NQE-3141-8A (up to 8 radars)
AIS interface unit NQA-2103 built-in NDC-1417
- Plotting function board NDB-34A built-in NDC-1417
- AC rectifier NBA-5111 - AC 100/110/120/220/230/240V